Monday, September 21, 2009

It Doesn't Get Better Than This

My name is Diane, and I am the co-owner of a knitting store (Knitting To Know Ewe) with my daughter, Christin. This past Sunday started out with breakfast at a 50's style diner with three friends that are at our store regularly. We had gotten together early (probably tough for all of us) just to sit together on a sunny Sunday morning to eat, laugh and enjoy each other's company.
From there we scattered. Christin going home, Sheila going to work, Elaine going home to pack (she is moving soon). Denise followed me to the store. We wove through the roads of beautiful Bucks County to our store in Penns Park. Denise sat knitting and keeping me company, while I made coffee for the day, and set up the store. A little time passed and one by one, people started coming in to spend their Sunday with us. Chairs started filling up, and before long the store was bustling with conversation, music and needles clicking away. There was a class scheduled that afternoon, and some new people began to trail in introducing themselves and picking out yarn and supplies for the class. Everyone was there to offer their friendship and assistance to the newbees. Before too long they had blended right in to the group and were smiling, drinking coffee and chatting away. A mother and daughter came in to take a first knitting lesson. Hanna, who was ten, was a pretty little girl with blonde hair and glasses like Harry Potter. She had learned to knit from her grandmother, but needed some more guidance. She sat down with me in the corner of the store (all the chairs were taken at the table), and I began to show her how to cable cast on. It took her about five minutes and she was casting on pretty well, close to a continuous motion. Her little fingers were working hard and she had great determination. After she casted on about sixty stitches, we started knitting. Hanna had the "rocket technique" (I call it) where she stands her needles straight up in the air and tries to knit. In a short time we worked together and she learned Continental knitting and was rolling with it. She was so compelling that I enjoyed teaching her tremendously and couldn't charge her for the lesson at the end. I looked at those little fingers moving with such determination and thought to myself, this could be the beginning for a talented, dedicated knitter, who is going to make great things in the future. I thought back to my own lesson from my aunt when I was exactly Hanna's age. About this time a dog came walking into our store. He was very friendly and had the demeanor of someone who knew he would fit right into our store. It turned out that his name was Buddy and that he lived up the street. We called his owner and told him that Buddy was visiting our store. It was okay with his owner. Buddy helped himself to some cat food we had left out for our resident cat that lives under our back steps. Everyone gave Buddy a big welcome and I sensed that he would be a regular in our store in the future. I looked around at everything that was going on at once in the store. People laughing, eating, helping other knitters, Buddy eating cat food, Hanna clicking away with the satisfying expression on her face of "getting it," and I thought to myself that this was why we had opened a knitting just doesn't get much better than this.

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